About Me


Present Greg

Hey, it's me!

First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my website I’ve had this domain for many years, but I haven't done much with it besides having a landing page. Firstly, as you know my name is Greg and I like to call myself a Creative Designer as I have made different things over many years in different formats both physical and digital.

My Main Skill Set and experiance:

Application/Skill Experiance Proficiency
Adobe Illustrator 10 years Strong  
Adobe Photoshop 8 years Strong  
Figma 1 year Strong  
HTML + CSS 6 years Medium  
VSCode 4 years Strong  
JavaScript ES6 1 year low - Medium   (On the rise!)
SASS 2 years Medium  
GIT 4 months Low (Newly adopted)
C# 3 years Medium - Weak    (Declining to no usage)
Unity + Visual Studio 5 years Medium - Weak     (Declining to no usage)

Likes:  Films, Dragon Ball, Reading Fiction and Non-Fiction, Gaming, Music/Mixing Music, Tinkering, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Close Family & Friends